“OUCH!” That’s the sound of your guest tripping over a tear or unsecured edge in your carpet. You may not realize it, but carpet damages like this act as an environmental hazard that can contribute to falls. When you think of hazards on the ground, you may consider wet floors, exposed wires and dangerous debris that may cause you to slip or trip. However, damaged carpeting can pose a number of threats to visitors if not properly treated. Sams is here to help you rethink these dangers, and provide the fix you need to help ensure a safe environment.
Why Torn Carpets are a Major Hazard?
Torn carpets create an uneven area on the ground. Although guests may not notice the snagged areas, there are chances a foot could get caught in the seams, resulting in a fall and potential injuries. We at Sams Carpet Cleaning & Repairs always stress the importance of carpet preventative maintenance so that further unexpected situations like tripping on the carpet, doesn’t happen and that no one gets hurt. Safety first, everyone!
What Causes Torn Carpet?
It doesn’t take much for carpet to unravel at your residence or place of business. There are a few things that contribute to the tearing process:
Pet Damage
You thinking about locking Fluffy and Fido in the bedroom again? Yes, you want your four-legged friends to settle down when the company arrive, but leaving them locked in a room may lead your pet to digging their way out of there. The clawing at your carpet isn’t the only thing that will cause ripples on your floors. Let’s just say, the other thing is nasty and will lead to the destruction of your floor’s padding. Not only will pet urine stink, the deposit will weaken the carpet and eventually separate it.
Vacuuming is an essential part of proper maintenance, right? You want to practice vacuuming your carpet in high traffic areas regularly, but when doing so, make sure you pay attention to the material on the floor. Running a vacuum over a softer surface can create snags on your carpet and rip out fibers. Fibers are subject to wear and tear, one of the most common causes of torn carpet, and the vacuum help remove them when it’s not treated properly.
Poor Installation
Poor maintenance and lack of attention contributes to the destruction of your floor. If your carpet wasn’t properly installed, expect subtle changes to appear, such as rips and tears, if objects are dragged over the surface. This will potentially lead to additional holes in different section and cause ripples in the carpet. It’s important for the carpet installer to powerstretch the carpet tight for best performance!
Humidity is one of the biggest issues of carpet buckling and causing more damage to your carpet. Missouri is known for our humid weather. Due to the constant change of seasons in Missouri and high humid climate, the moisture in the air penetrates the carpet and causes it to expand. Carpet may lay flat again without needing to do a repair once the moisture levels in the air return back to normal. If not, this will cause further damage to carpet if not repaired right away and will tear.
Delamination is caused when the secondary back of the carpet separates from the primary backing that is holding everything together and latex adhesive is breaking down. The carpet is now more movable, can buckle and tear. Much older carpets are more likely to have this happen over time or the carpet is defective. If defective, contact retailor or carpet manufacturer who will likely send an inspector to look at the issue.
What Can You Do to Prevent or Repair a Torn Carpet Situation?
There are a few ways you can remedy your carpet:
Properly installed carpet – Speaking of improper installation, carpet should be placed properly by skilled professionals to ensure that it does not snag, catch or become damaged too soon. Sure, your first inclination may be to fix it yourself or replace it, but that’s what we’re here for! For some people, they’d rather repair the carpet then to have the high cost to replace it.
Regularly inspect your carpet – As a homeowner or business owner, walk throughout the premises to check for potential tears to ensure you get it fixed as soon as possible. At Sams, we will come to your home or business, free of charge, to inspect damaged carpet and determine the best solution to restore your floors.
Call the professionals at Sams – If you notice a tear-in-progress, block off the area to prevent visitors from interacting with it and call us! Sams is the St. Louis area’s premiere carpet repair company. We offer a variety of options to restore and extend the life of your carpet including patching, stretching and re-seaming. When you call us, you are assured that you’ll receive a satisfactory experience from our best trained technicians.
At Sams, it’s not just about fixing carpet, it’s about making your home or business whole again. Invite us in so we can help you preserve the special moments your residence or business offers with the best restoration process we have to offer.