Don’t let the stains scare you, let Sams take care of them with their magic potion!

Posted by Sams Carpet | October 24, 2017 | Sams News

It’s the spookiest time of the year, and as you get ready for all the get-togethers and parties that inevitably go with it, you may find something even scarier than that lawn decoration your mother-in-law found for you. As you clean, you may find some spots just don’t go away. That’s right, you have stains.

There are a lot of things that could’ve caused stains over the summer, from kids’ juice stains to someone spilling a glass of red wine. Regular cleaning just can’t get rid of them. A quick online search brings up dozens of home remedies requiring time you don’t have and ingredients you aren’t supposed to be in the same room with.  These home mixtures can end up causing more harm than good.

At Sams, we can take care of your toughest stains so you don’t have to worry about it, and not just on carpet. Porous surfaces like tile and ground can seem impossible to remove stains from, but it’s just one of the many services we provide at Sams. Have a tough spot on your couch? We do upholstery cleaning too.

Whatever stains you’re dealing with, we can get you ready for hosting that perfect fall party. Or if the stains occur during your perfect fall party, we can help you recover from it too.  For more information about spot/stains you may be tackling with, visit our website! There are no tricks here, only treats!